Before You Get Your Concealed Carry Permit in Kansas – Free Carry Academy
Before You Get Your Concealed Carry Permit in Kansas

Before You Get Your Concealed Carry Permit in Kansas

Hello Fellow Gun Owner,

Acquiring a concealed carry permit allows you to every day carry a concealed weapon in Kentucky. Moreover, if another state you choose to visit has a reciprocity agreement under Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation with the state of Indiana, your Kentucky concealed carry weapon permit allows you to carry in those states as well. To find out which states recognize your Kentucky concealed carry permit, click on: 

Do I Have to Have a Concealed Carry Permit in Kentucky?

Kentucky state laws previously required residents who wished to concealed carry to get a permit. Kentucky is now one of the states that does not require you to have a permit.

However, if you wish to concealed carry in another state, it is recommended that you apply for a Kentucky concealed carry permit. Several states including: Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming recognize your Kentucky concealed carry permit.

Kentucky State Police recommend you contact local law enforcement before traveling to discover if their concealed carry laws differ.

Steps to Acquire a Kentucky Concealed Carry Permit

To qualify you must

  • Be at least 21
  • Be a  US citizen residing in Kentucky or a member of the armed forces stationed in Kentucky.
  • Demonstrate competence with a firearm by successful completion of a firearms safety or training course offered or approved by the Department of Criminal Justice Training.

Why choose online CCW training?

In order to qualify for a Kentucky concealed carry permit, the application must include proof of successful completion of a firearms safety course.

Taking CCW training online allows residents anywhere to obtain their CCW permit training from anywhere as long as they have access to a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone and a printer. This levels the playing field for those who live in remote areas of the state and get easily get to a training center.

Work and family schedules and responsibilities may make it impossible to attend a physical training center at the time courses are offered.

The time and travel costs may pose a financial burden to those who want to get an Indiana CCW permit. Online training removes those costs.

The providers of online CCW training have had to submit an application as a CCW online training provider. The Kentucky Department of Justice has studied these applications and accepted only those that fulfill criteria for accreditation.

Next Steps

Having completed a firearms safety course, you can download an application for a Kentucky concealed carry license or obtain one from the local sheriff’s office.

There is a $60 application fee. Twenty dollars of that goes to the local sheriff’s office. Forty dollars in a check made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer goes with your application for processing. The Kentucky State Police will receive the application including

Your name, address, Date of Birth, Gender, and Social Security Number.

An acceptable color photograph not smaller than 3 ½” x 4”.

A copy of your certificate of successful completion of a state approved firearms training course.

A signed affidavit attesting to the accuracy of the information you have submitted.

The processing of your application includes a background check.

If you apply by mail expect to wait sixty days for your concealed carry permit to be processed and mailed to you. If you apply online processing occurs in fifteen days.

You will be mailed a renewal notice at least 120 days before your concealed carry permit expires.

What about Non-Residents?

Permits are not available to non-residents but since Kentucky is now a permitless state, non-residents may concealed carry there.

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